About the Congress

Throughout its 100-year long history, medicine has always seen the significant contributions of dentists – both on the physical and spiritual levels.

We can realize the truth of this statement by mentioning the names of doctors such as Gysi, Römer, Lauffer or Grosheintz.

With the current spread of integrative medicine, in the first decades of the 21st century, anthroposophical dentistry is also enjoying a growing popularity: from Europe to South America, more and more colleagues are choosing this mode of healing. Naturally, this process resulted in the Ist International Anthroposophical Dental Congress being organized in Roncegno, in October 2014 – born out of the cooperation of the German and Italian dentists, with 90 of us present. The Congress was a great success and received professional acclaim, and thus the demand for its continuation arose. Therefore, in 2015 the IInd Congress was hosted in Lanjaro, Spain with the attendance of a significant number of anthroposophical dentists and therapists from South America.

In 2016, Hungary will be hosting the III rd International Anthroposophical Dental Congress in Budapest. The fact that the anthroposophical dental therapists of the world are meeting here in October is of unparalleled significance to us. We would like all the recent physical and spiritual knowledge born in the field of anthroposophical dentistry and therapy to be connected to one of the most beautiful capital cities of Central Europe.

The bridge, which serves as the symbol of our Congress, embodies the will required to span the distance of time and space which keep us humans apart.

Apart from the professional work, we will be hosting two exhibitions in order to facilitate the bridging of this gap. One is a photo display of the works of the internationally acclaimed organic architect Imre Makovecz (1935–2011), who elevated Hungarian architecture to the level of art through Anthroposophy and living thoughts.

The other exhibition was previously featured in the Goetheanum – the expo of the Sunpath Artistic Academy, completing a new and modern artistic training based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science. Nearly 30 artists will showcase their paintings as part of the display.

It is our pleasure to invite everyone to the IIIrd International Anthroposophical Dental Congress to be hosted on the picturesque Margaret Island in the Danube River in Budapest between 13-16 October.

On behalf of the Organizers,
Dr. Huba Papp


Eine Brücke ist der Mensch
Zwischen dem Vergangen
Und dem Sein der Zukunft;
Gegenwart ist Augenblick;
Augenblick als Brücke.
Seele gewordener Geist
In der Stoffeshülle
Das ist aus der Vergangenheit;
Geist werdende Seele
Im Keimesschalen
Das ist auf dem Zukunftwege.
Fasse künftiges
Durch Vergangnes
Hoff auf Werdendes
Durch Gewordenes.
So ergreif das Sein
Im Werden;
So ergreif, was wird
Im Seienden..

Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner

The human being is a bridge
The human being is a bridge
between past
and future existence;
present is moment;
moment as bridge.
Soul grown from spirit
in the sheath of substance
arises from the past;
spirit evolving from soul
in germinal veils
is on the path to the future.
Grasp the future
through what is past.
Hope for what grows
through what has been.
So take hold of present being
in becoming;
so take hold of what will be
in what is.

Rudolf Steiner