Patrick Aufrere Dr.


The title of lecture
From mouth to anus: a vivid picture of the three part distribution of the digestive system

Benda Judit Dr.


The title of lecture
Nutrition and health – holistic nutritional science

Tamara Chubarovsky


The title of lecture
The effect of speech on the structure of the oral cavity

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  • 1981–86 – Semmelweis University, Budapest, Pharmaceutical Faculty
  • 1996–97 – Healthadvisor Society, Lahnstein, Germany, Healthadvisor studies
  • 2014–16 – University of Pécs, Nutritionist masters studies
  • 2014 – University of Pécs, Healthsciences, PhD Studium


  • 1986-88 – EGIS Pharmaceuticals, Licenc Department
  • 1988-89 – Pharmacy in Budapest
  • 1991 – Westend Pharmacy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • 1997 – freelance healthadvisor – cookingcourses, lectures
  • 1998 – freelance journalist
  • 1999 – 2014 Foundation for Cancer Patients (A rák ellen az emberért a holnapért alapítvány) – cookingcourses, lectures
  • 2011-2013 – Nutritionist in Szentgotthárd – Home for psychic ill people (735 beds)
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Olivier Coutris Dr.


The title of lecture
Embryology of the oral cavity

Csobay József


The title of lecture
The scales and interrelations of the human body

Giuseppe Ferraro Dr.


The title of lecture
Meditative imagine of the oral cavity in relation to the anthroposophic vision of the clay

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Olivier Coutris was born in 1960. Doctor of dental surgery, he has held lectures for healthcare practitioners since 1987. His lectures in anthropology, embryology, geology, botany and zoology put scientific facts into a humanistic perspective, inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Olivier Coutris is founding president of the association I-Dentités and author of the books Médecine dentaire et anthroposophie, Aux marches du palais, les dents, Le fluor et les autres halogènes and L’enfant et son jardin se créent.

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Csobay József, geboren 1956 in Ungarn. Er hat seine seine Ausbildung nach Beendigung der Mittel-Schule in der Zahntechnik-Handwerk fortgesetzt. Er kam mit diesem Beruf zuerst in der Schweiz in Verbindung, und dort hat er die Schönheiten dieses Handwerks kennengelernt. Er ist seit 1974 in der Zahntechnik taetig. In seiner beruflichen Entwicklung sind die Meister-Kurse der VITA Zahnfabrik und die Keramik Meister-Kurse der Firma DeTray masgebend. Er hat 1982 seinen Meisterprüfung absolviert. Seit dem beschaeftigt er sich, in seiner eigenem zahntechnischem Atelier mit zukunftsweisender und dem Menschen naheliegenden Lösungen und Anwendungen.
Er beschaeftigt sich seit 1995 mit Antroposophy. Seine Haupt-Interesse für die geisteswissenschafliche Menschen-Lehre und die körperliche und geistige Entwicklung des Menschen, hat er in der Zielsetzung und in der fachlichen Ziel-straebigkeit der “Stiftung für den Ausbalancierten Menschen” wieder gefunden.
Seit 2011 ist er Mitglied in der Wissenschaftlichen Beratungs Rat der Stiftung für den Ausbalancierten Menschen, die aus Zahnheil-Kundler und aus Meister der Zahntechnik zusammensetzt.
In seiner Atelier, hat er die Theorie und Technik, der zum Gemeingut gestellte Körperliche Ausbalancierung, als beruflichen Ziel definiert, Unzaehligen unterschriebene dokumentierte Faelle berichten vom Erfolg. Von diese Themen haelt er Vortraege.
Er vertieft seine antroposophysche Kenntnisse in dem 2013 begonnenen Ausbildung für Antroposophysche Heilkunde.

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Giuseppe Ferraro gained a degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Milan where he worked for some years as a biochemistry researcher.
He took a course in herbal medicine, again in Milan, studying and researching the George Ohsawa general principles of macrobiotics, undertook a course and became a follower of classic Chinese acupuncture.
He is an author of two books on macrobiotics, three books on clay and numerous articles on clay published in the leading industry journals.
He has held many conferences on clay and natural cosmetics in Italy, Europe and Asia. Giuseppe Ferraro writes articles on clay and natural cosmetics in the Journal Demeter Informa.
Since a long time Giuseppe Ferraro has studied Anthroposophy or spiritual science.
He founded and still runs the firm Argital following the anthroposophical inspiration. Argital both produces green clay and clay products for cosmetic and health use, and also carries out researches to expand the knowledge on clay. He is a member of the universal Anthroposophical Society, he is founder member of SOFAI, the Italian Society of Anthroposophical Pharmacists, he has established and leads two anthroposophical reading groups in Modica and Catania. He lives in Modica and works for Argital as director.

Nathalie Grekofski


The title of lecture
The presence of growth forces in the architecture of Imre Makovecz

Claus Haupt Dr.


The title of lecture
Teeth as sense organs in man’s encounter with the world

Hegyi Gabriella Prof.


The title of lecture
The significance of the teeth in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

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About architect Nathalie Grekofski

The Belgian architecht Nathalie Grekofski was born in Brussels in 1967.   She received her architecture degree in 1989 from the La Cambre University of Brussels.   Her thesis was written about the design of a spiritual center.  This diploma work was related to the memorandum writing, which was required for her university degree.  It was titled “Motion of creation”.  At this time, she meets Jacques Gillet, the internationally renowned Belgian organic architect, who has taught organic architecture at the University of Liege.  She worked at different architect’s offices in Brussels for a year.  At the weekends, she helped Jacques Gillet to finish designing his own house,  and participated in building the house in the small village of Ouffet.  In 1990, she heard that Imre Makovecz created a traveling school in Hungary, where young architects can work, and have a chance to learn more about the profession.  Although she knew almost nothing about Imre Makovecz, she decided to travel to Hungary with the help and encouragement of Jacques Gillet.  Her intention was to deepen her budding architectural knowledge, and has found completely what she came for.  She worked with Imre Makovecz in the years of 1990, 1991, between 1994 and 1996, and from 2005 until his death in September 2011. Between these times she worked with Sándor Dévényi and Dezső Ekler as well.

With two Hungarian friends they estabilish their own architect’s office, the ARCHEVIL KFT in 1996.  At present, she is a member of the Hungarian Chamber of Architects, a member of the Károly Kós Association, a member of the Association of Hungarian Architects and has a role in the Budapest District III. Architectural council.  Among other works, she has laid out the designs for the complete reconstruction and expansion of the 3500 square meter protected historic building of the Belgian Embassy, the offices of the Belgian Military Attaché in Budapest, a hospice house in Majosháza, a 1200 square meter indoor test track in Felcsút, the main college building in Felcsút with Imre Makovecz, a restaurant and hostel in Pécs named “Bagolyvár”, and more recently the independent new building of a Waldorf school which has a eurhythmy room.  She has developed the branding of a student hostel in Budapest.  Nathalie participated in various competitions, such as a 60 thousand square meter Japanese national library, district XV. sports facilities and development plan, the Ludovika sports center, and the Hungarian pavilion of the Milan expo tenders as well.

In her spare time she refines her skills at the Open Education Forum which had been set up by Imre Makovecz, Miklós Kampis and István Kálmán.  She enjoys creating oil paintings and icons with traditional techniques.  Nathalie gives lectures in French and English, in Hungary and abroad, about organic architecture and the achievements and spirit of Imre Makovecz.   Her writings have been published about her professional life path, about her own work, thoughts, organic architecture, and Imre Makovecz in the magazines titled “Freedom of Thought” and “State Building” and in the “Book of Pilgrims”.


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Claus Haupt, geb. 1946 in Bad Düben.
1966 – 1972, Studium in Zahnmedizin in Halle.
Seit 1972 tätig als Zahnarzt und seit 1985 eigene Niederlassung in München.
Seit 1984 aktive Hinwendung zur Anthroposophie und Arbeit an den Erkenntniszusammenhängen zwischen Geisteswissenschaft und Zahnsystem.
Beschäftigung mit Sprachgestaltung, Maltherapie und Heileurythmie. Schuluntersuchungen an verschiedenen Waldorfschulen, verstärktes Forschen nach wirksamen Therapiemöglichkeiten und speziellen heileurythmischen Übungen für Zahnfehlstellungen.

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I am the head of, so far, the only Complementary Medicine Department in the country, at the University of Pécs. As a member of the graduate school, I am involved with my students in researches into natural remedies. I have 35 years of experience in medicine, during which I made efforts to school myself in a number of different disciplines. I completed my PhD in 2000, followed by my habilitation at the university in 2013.

As a proponent of “Integrative medicine” I firmly believe that the only way of truly interpreting the origin and course of diseases is through a holistic approach, which must be applied to recovery and healing as well. For this reason, I trained myself in numerous complementary medicine disciplines in order to provide my patients with personalized, individual therapy plans to follow their recovery through a possible cooperation. I was the first to establish an institute in Budapest, which – after 26 years of operation – still functions for the sake of its patients. (Yamamoto Institute)

Semmelweis University of Medicine: physician
Professional certificates: Internal medicine, Occupational health, General practice
Qualifications (License examinations): Traditional Chinese medicine, Neural therapy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Manual therapy

Mareike Kaiser


The title of lecture
Remedial eurythmy, as the “cure” of malocclusion

Kovács Miklós


The title of lecture
The scales and interrelations of the human body

Kun Csaba Dr.


The title of lecture
Fluor- and magnesium processes in the oral cavity

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Kovács Miklós Imre, 1964-ben született Magyarországon.
1982-ben Stuttgartban (Németországban) kezdte fogműves kiképzését. Ezt követően szakmai vándorúton 4 fogműves-mesternél tanult, és később egy 15 fős praxis-laborban dolgozott mint vezető mester.
A 1998-ban düsseldorfban mestervizsgát tett, majd évekig önálló fogműves-műtermet működtetett Wuppertal-ban.
Szakmai specialitása a páciens állkapocsizületes mozgásának lemásolása és szimulációja a rágószerv rehabilitációjához, valamint a harapás problematikája. Ezzel kapcsolatban 2002-óta fogorvos és fogtechnikus szakemberek sokaságát ismertette meg működőképes technikákkal.
2002 és 2007 között Magyarországon évente 6-8 szakmai előadást tartott fogorvos, fogtechnikus és fogműves szakemberek részére. Ez idő alatt több szakmai publikációja is megjelent.
2004-ben a Szegedi Fogorvostudományi Egyetem kérte fel a „Teamwork – csoportmunka” előadásának megtartására.
2007-ig 3 alkalommal, évente 1-szer felkérést kapott a Pécsi Fogorvostudományi Egyetemtől, a gnathológiai hetek keretében, az artikuláció tárgyköréről szóló előadásainak megtartására.
2005-ben részt vett alapító tagként a szegedi fogtechnikai iskola munkájában, mint szakmai- és etika-oktató.
2001-ben kezde meg tanulmányait az emberről és annak szellemi oldaláról, amely a fizikai világunk és testünk működésének egy még alapvetőbb és mélyebb megértését eredményezte.
A philozófia és a szellemi univerzum törvényeinek megismerése és alkalmazása alapozta meg és tette lehetővé további kutatásait és felismeréseit.
Az ebből származó felfedezéseket, ismereteket, technikákat a 2006-ban A Kiegyensúlyozott Emberért Alapítvány-nak adta át, hogy ez a szervezet terjessze tovább. Az Alapítványnak a támogatók aláírásával dokumentáltan, több mint 3000 támogató tagja van.
“A Testi Kiegyensúlyozást” mint elméletet és technikát közkincsé tette, hogy minden érdeklődő és rászoruló használhassa.
2011-ben megszervezte és létrehozta A Kiegyensúlyozott Emberért Alapítvány, Foggyógyászokból és Fogműves mesterekből álló Tudományos Tanácsadó Testületét, amely további szakmai segítséget ad fogorvosoknak, fogtechnikusoknak, terapeutáknak és az embereknek.
2007-ben Budapesten fogászatot ( foggyógyászatot és fogműves műtermet) alapított, ahol a mai napig 9 munkatársával dolgozik együtt. Ez hiteles referencia helyként működik minden érdeklődő számára, amely minden részletében tükrözi a képviselt tudást és alkalmazást.
2011-ben kínai kezdeményezésre és segítséggel megalapította Kínában, Ruian városában az első Testi Kiegyensúlyozást szolgáltató központot, amely mára Shanghai mellé költözött és folyamatosan bővül.
2012-ben terapeutáknak, fogorvosoknak és érdeklődőknek további előadásokat tartott Kínában.
A “Testi Kiegyensúlyozás” mögött több mint 2500 dokumentált sikeres eset van, és 2500-nál több alkalmazó áll.

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veterinarian, university expert on economy
Activities on different fields of altermative medicine, e.g. homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine for many years. Momentarily technical director Oliolab Ltd.,hungarian partner company of Argital S.r.l, Italy.

Fabiola Limardo Dr.


The title of lecture
On the effects of Ratanhia

Dolores López del Jesus Dr.


The title of lecture:
Rhythm and dentistry

Reinhard Menzel Dr.


The title of lecture
Teeth and thought

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Dentist ( Granada University) specialised in Orthodontics , myofunctional Therapy , posturology and oral disperception syndrome.
Vicepresident of the GEODA ( Anthroposofical Dentistry studies group) in Spain
Three years Antroposophical Medicine course
Two years Anthroposophical Dentistry courses in the IPMT
I am running my practice in Lucena ( Córdoba ) Spain

Odontóloga con práctica en ortodoncia, terapia miofuncional, posturología y síndrome de dispercepción oral.
Master en Periodoncia
Master en Ortodoncia
Master en Posturología y kinesiologia médico odontologica
Curso de Medicina Antroposofica
Actualmente estudio Odontologia Antroposofica en el IPMT de Argentina

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Ivana Moon Dr.


The title of lecture
Perioadontal disease beyound the physical

Papp Huba Dr.


The title of lecture
Hirudotherapy vs. medication-based therapy from an anthroposophic perspective

Rácz Rita Cecília


The title of lecture
Movement with the teeth / tongue sounds through the speech-exercises by Rudolf Steiner

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Born in Trelew Chubut Patagonia-Argentina 22/4/70


  • 1987 Secondary School
  • 1990 Radiology technician
  • 1998 Odontology in UBA (Public University in Buenos Aires)
  • 1999 Studying and learning about Anthroposophy, worked on the Terapeutikum San Rafael, Buenos Aires.
  • 2007 Practitioner on Bach Flowers.

She lives in Bariloche since 2001 where she manages to integrate Anthroposophy, Bach flowers and Acupuncture

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I studied dentistry at Semmelweis Medical University between 1993-1998. Hypnosis, cranio-sacral therapy and hirudotherapy are regular treatment components of my dental praxis.
I am a homeopathic doctor with international (ECH) qualification and have been directing the Dental Section of the Hungarian Homeopathic Medical Association since 2004.
In 2012 I took an anthroposophical medical exam at the University of Pécs Medical School, and I took part in the three-year programme for anthroposophical dentistry organized by the GAӒD.
I lecture regularly at Semmelweis University, the Hungarian Homeopathic Medical Association and various conferences, as well as publish in homeopathic and naturopathic magazines and homepages. I am co-author of the hungarian book ”Handbook of Homeopathy”.

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Rita Cecília Rácz, is an artistic speech former in three different languages. Hungarian because of her Hungarian origins, German, because of her artistic training in Germany and Switzerland, and Italian because of the work done in the last 10 years in Italy at various trainings for Steiner / Waldorf education. For 8 years she was part of Märchenensemble from Stuttgart as the narrator; they performed different fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm by eurhythmics art in Italy. Currently she is working in the course of anthroposophist medicine in Budapest and she has the project to accomplish her artistic speech-therapist training in Dornach in the following years.

Silye Imre


The title of lecture
The effect of the healing will in the therapeutic community. Cooperation of doctors, priests and therapists

Szőke Henrik Dr.


The title of lecture
Adenoid hypertrophy’s implications on dentistry and possible childhood treatments

Alessandro Vannini Dr.


The title of lecture
Bryophyllum argento cultum and bruxism

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Imre Silye ist seit 2007 Priester/Pfarrer der Christengemeinschaft. Drei Jahre lang hat er in der Gemeinde von St. Gallen/Schweiz gearbeitet, auch als Seelsorger in Zusammenarbeit mit einem anthroposophischen Arzt. Seit 2011 ist er als Pfarrer der Gemeinde in Ungarn tätig. Regelmäßig hält er Vorträge in verschiedenen Themen auf Grundlage des anthroposophischen Menschenbildes. Er arbeitet mit anthroposophischen Ärzten und therapeutischen Gemeinschaften zusammen.

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Pediatrician, Anthroposophic Physician,
MD for TCM, Psychodrama therapist,
KIP- and NLP therapist, Asthma- and Ekzema Trainer

Born: 03. 08. 1965. Budapest

  • 1985-1991 SOTE Budapest
  • 1991-1992 Filderstadt D training anthroposophic medicine (AM)
  • 1992-1994 DRK-Krankenhaus Hamburg D, internal medicine, AM
  • 1994-1995 Ita Wegman Klinik CH, internal medicine, AM belgyógyászat
  • 1995-2002 Krankenhaus Bethanien Moers D, pediatrics
  • 2001 exam pediatrics, D
  • since 2002 óta Budapest/Pilisszentkereszt pediatrician, scool- and kindergardendoctor
  • 2004 exam TCM, University Pécs
  • since 2009 leader association Antromedicart, training AM
  • 2012 exam AM, University Pécs

Founder and leader of the association Antromedicart
Cofounder and coleader of the patient-association AME
Representative in IVAA, representative in the Teach The Teachers initiative (TTT Dornach)

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Rudolf Völker Dr.


The title of lecture
Bruxism – the symptom of an age?

Andrea Wernthaler


The title of lecture
Medications and possible therapies in anthroposophic dentistry

Karkus Ottó


Bothmer gymnastic

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Anthroposophische Zahnärztin (internationales Diplom) mit kunsttherapeutischer Ausbildung (Brasilien).
Leitet eine Zahnarztpraxis in der anthroposophischen Praxisgemeinschaft Terapeuticum Santa Helena in Juiz de Fora, Brasilien.
Eingeladene Referentin bei Tagungen und Fortbildungen der anthroposophischen Zahnmedizin.

Varga-Szemes László


Bothmer gymnastic